Be Sure

Be Sure Image

Semen price

Excl VAT: € 1300.00

+ Chilled Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €175.00


+ Frozen Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €50.00

Benicio Belissimo M Beltain
Valencia Velten Third
Susi Sorglos Scuderia Sir Donnerhall I
Lady Laurie Lauries Crusador xx
Donna Magritha

Warunki: Stanówka 1300 EUR + 13,5% EUR umożliwia wiele prób nasieniem chłodzonym w jednym sezonie na jednej, nominowanej klaczy. 

Jeśli klacz będzie nieźrebna do końca sezonu, kwota równa 50% stanówki przechodzi do wykorzystania na nasienie jakiegokolwiek ogiera z tej samej stadniny w kolejnym roku. Jeśli pierwsza inseminacja będzie miała miejsce 1-szego lipca lub później i klacz nie zajdzie w ciążę, to kwota przechodząca na kolejny rok wynosi 100% opłaconej stanówki. W takich wypadkach potrzebne będzie Świadectwo Badania w Kierunku Ciąży podpisane przez lekarza weterynarii, wykonane nie później niż 30-stego Września.

Każda przesyłka chłodzonego nasienia wiąże się z opłatą, która pokrywa koszty kuriera i certyfikatu weterynaryjnego.

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About & Performance - "A stallion with three exceptional paces. He always presents himself in an uphill and balanced manner with a lot of power. He has a lot of qualities that make him desirable for dressage sport," said Heike Kemmer on behalf of the Hanoverian licensing committee. The striking bay stallion, with an amazing presence, was not only called to the premium ring of the year's best stallions in Verden, but was also, by far, one of the most sought-after offers of the stallion market, commanding the second highest price of the auction. Be Sure, who was awarded prizes at the licensing in Hanover and Denmark and was even named DWB Champion Stallion in 2022, also performed brilliantly at the Danish Championships for four-year-olds.  

Sire - Benicio dominated his performance test, winning with a record dressage score of 9.88. He picked up ten scores of 10.0, including for all three paces. Benicio then won the Bundeschampionat as a six-year-old, with more scores of 9.0, 9.5, and 10.0. For the early part of his career, Benicio was stationed in South Africa, but since his return to Germany he has competed at international small tour with scores over 78% at Inter I, and has competed successfully at national grand prix level. He was also second in a qualifier for the prestigious Nürnberger Burg-Pokal on a score over 73%.

Damline - His dam Hann.Pr.St. Susi Sorglos was champion mare of the show in Großenwörden and was placed at the Herwart von der Decken show in 2017. His dam's sire Scuderia was Reserve Champion of the Oldenburg Spring Licensing in 2012 and is internationally successful in Young Rider dressage competitions. His grand-dam St.Pr.St. Lady Laurie is the full sister of the licensed stallion Le Louvre. She was also successful at the Herwart von der Decken show and was named best half-blood mare in Elmlohe in 2008 and 2009.

More Details

Chilled/Frozen Chilled
Stud Helgstrand Dressage
Approved For AES
WFFS Status Clear
Studbook Hanoverian
Year of Birth 2018
Colour Bay
Height 170cm
% Thoroughbred 38.87
