Semen price
Excl VAT: € 800.00
+ Chilled Courier & Health Papers
Excl VAT: €175.00
+ Frozen Courier & Health Papers
Excl VAT: €50.00
Bonds | Benicio | Belissimo M |
Valencia | ||
Rioja | Sir Donnerhall I | |
Rhea Silva | ||
Escada | San Amour I | Sandro Hit |
Puppenfee | ||
Elektia's Dream | Dream of Love | |
Elektra |
Warunki: Stanówka 800 EUR + 13,5% VAT, umożliwia wiele prób nasieniem chłodzonym w jednym sezonie na jednej, nominowanej klaczy.
Jeśli klacz będzie nieźrebna do końca sezonu, kwota równa 50% stanówki przechodzi do wykorzystania na nasienie jakiegokolwiek ogiera z tej samej stadniny w kolejnym roku. Jeśli pierwsza inseminacja będzie miała miejsce 1-szego lipca lub później i klacz nie zajdzie w ciążę, to kwota przechodząca na kolejny rok wynosi 100% opłaconej stanówki. W takich wypadkach potrzebne będzie Świadectwo Badania w Kierunku Ciąży podpisane przez lekarza weterynarii, wykonane nie później niż 30-stego Września.
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About - In this young stallion we see the legacy of a great blood line that had previously been threatened with falling into oblivion. Bon My Love has the class, attitude and rideability which when twinned with his striking frame and gorgeous swinging gait, show off the mechanics of his great hind leg action
Sire - Bond's father started his career as an Oldenburg winner's stallion. He then won his two sports tests with dream marks (10 for the gallop, 9.5 for the rideability) and advanced to dressage horse test series winner. Supported by Beatrice Hoffrogge, the successful debut in the heavy class has now been added. Around 15 of his sons were licensed. Among his sports-successful descendants is the Oldenburg Riding Horse Champion and Federal Championship Fourth Best Secret OLD under Wibke Hartmann-Stommel.
Damline - The mother St.Pr./El.St. Escada brought the successful My Love - H (v. For Romance I). Dam sire San Amour I has been one of the most successful dressage inheritors worldwide for years - according to the WBFSH ranking (currently position 16). In Germany alone, 47 of his sons were licensed. His sports-successful descendants are in various championship equipments, such as Ikke-Pia v/d Bergerhoeve/Lore Vandeborne/BEL and San Ravallo/Carl-Lennart Korsch/SUI. The grandmother St.Pr./El.St. Elektia's Dream brought the S-dressage horse Sweet Pepper (v. Sir Donnerhall I). The pedigree is followed by the stars Dream of Love and Rubinstein I. From the third mother St.Pr.St. Elektra comes the multiple world champion, World Cup winner and European champion in vaulting, Humphrey Bogart OLD (v. His Highness). Elektra is a half-sister of the licensed stallion Cres Kando (v. Corlando). The fourth mother escalation is half-sister to the licensed and Grand Prix successful inheritors Rohdiamant and Royal Diamond (both v. Rubinstein I)/Lisa M. Wilcox/USA. From the Oldenburg tribe also the stallions Jazz Rubin (v. Jazzman), Manitoba (v. Manstein) and Mozart (v. More Magic xx).
Chilled/Frozen | |
Stud | Deckstation Schockemohle |
Approved For | |
WFFS Status | Clear |
Studbook | Oldenburg |
Year of Birth | 2020 |
Colour | Bay |
Height | 170cm |
% Thoroughbred |