
Bondolo Image

Semen price

Excl VAT: € 900.00

+ Chilled Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €175.00


Bonds Benicio Belissimo M
Rioja Sir Donnerhall I
Rhea Silva
Touch My Soul SN Totilas Gribaldi
Schneekönigin SN Stoiber SN

Warunki: Stanówka 800 EUR + 13,5% VAT, umożliwia wiele prób nasieniem chłodzonym w jednym sezonie na jednej, nominowanej klaczy. 

Jeśli klacz będzie nieźrebna do końca sezonu, kwota równa 100% stanówki przechodzi do wykorzystania na nasienie jakiegokolwiek ogiera z tej samej stadniny w kolejnym roku. W takim wypadku potrzebne będzie Świadectwo Badania w Kierunku Ciąży podpisane przez lekarza weterynarii, wykonane nie później niż 30-stego Września.

Każda przesyłka chłodzonego nasienia wiąże się z opłatą, która pokrywa koszty kuriera i certyfikatu weterynaryjnego.

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About - Bondolo was licensed in Redefin in 2023 and immediately impressed with his strong type, charming nature and beautiful face. His first-class basic gaits stand out in movement, whereby his very good walk is particularly noteworthy, characterized by enormous tactfulness, suppleness and a clear overstride.

Sire -  His sire Bonds, was named Champion Stallion in Vechta. Subsequently, he passed his 14-day test with a superior score of 9.28 points. Bonds comes from a particularly rideable and functional line, which is known for, among other, the breeding stallion Belissimo M, who has given the sport countless fantastic horses.

Damline -  Bonolo's dam's sire Totilas was probably the most famous dressage stallion and moved people far beyond the sport of dressage. He set three world records, was three-time World Champion and two-time European Champion, as well as two-time Dutch Champion and two-time German Champion. In 2010, Totilas won the World Cup Final in 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

More Details

Stud Gerd Sosath
Approved For Oldenburg
WFFS Status Unknown
Studbook KWPN
Year of Birth 2021
Colour Grey
Height 170cm
% Thoroughbred 24.41
