Limbothello B

Limbothello B Image

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Excl VAT: € 800.00

+ Chilled Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €175.00


Limbus Landgraf I Ladykiller xx
Warthburg H
Alice I Fier de Lui Z
Z-Cassianda Cassini II Capitol I
Wisma H
Laconda I Coriander
Waltraud I

Warunki: Stanówka 800 EUR + 13,5% VAT umożliwia wiele prób nasieniem chłodzonym  w jednym sezonie na jednej, nominowanej klaczy. Jeśli klacz będzie nieźrebna do końca sezonu, to zwracamy 500 EUR + 13,5%. Aby ubiegać się o zwrot, należy dostarczyć Świadectwo Badania w Kierunku Ciąży podpisane przez lekarza weterynarii, wykonane nie później niż 30-stego Września.

Każda przesyłka chłodzonego nasienia wiąże się z opłatą, która pokrywa koszty kuriera i certyfikatu weterynaryjnego.

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About - Extraordinarily beautiful, unique in colour and a fascinating performer from line 2966, which inevitably casts a spell over its viewers. 

Performance - He was a premium stallion in Holstein, received a jumping ability mark of 9.5 in his 70-day test and can show numerous victories in young horse tests and great successes up to advanced level. 

In 2020 he once again proved his willingness to perform, he was highly successful in the advanced class under Marjolaine Marraud des Grottes/FRA, as well as sensationally with the only 12-year-old girl, Emma Bachl, in the international children tours such as Lamprechtshausen/ AUT, Chevenez/SUI, and also Ebreichsdorf/AUT with victories and placings.

In 2021 he attracted attention at the CSI Munich, in Hagen at the Future Champions, as well as victories at the CSI Wiener-Neustadt/ATU under Emma Bachl. He combines sport genes of the highest quality with sensational character traits and great riding comfort.

Sire - The Limbus sire Landgraf I, the most successful sport horse sire of his generation, appears again in the fourth generation, followed by the Rigoletto son Rocco.

Damline - The dam's sire Cassini II can point to an offspring winning total of €1.35 million. 196 of his offspring are successful at advanced level and 43 of his sons are licensed. Coriander, in the third generation, stands for the versatility of the Holsteiner horse like no other. Even Grand Prix successful, he has outstanding jumping ability and is considered a valued sire of the very best Holsteiner virtues. 

Limbothello B represents the Holstein line 2966. This resulted in the licensed stallions Con Air (Holst. Verb., internationally successful in the show jumping course with Lars-Bak Andersen/DK), Exposé (Landdb. Neustadt/D.) and Liberace (PB SWE,

More Details

Stud Hengststation Bachl
Approved For
WFFS Status Clear
Studbook Holsteiner
Year of Birth 2011
Colour Brown
Height 169cm
% Thoroughbred
