Meganus PS

Meganus PS Image

Semen price

Excl VAT: € 1000.00

+ Chilled Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €175.00


+ Frozen Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €50.00

Messenger Mortender Contender
Barbie Girl Baloubet du Rouet
Whizz Kid Carthago Capitol I
Wizvilina Grannus

Warunki: Stanówka 1000 EUR + 13,5% EUR umożliwia wiele prób nasieniem chłodzonym w jednym sezonie na jednej, nominowanej klaczy. 

Jeśli klacz będzie nieźrebna do końca sezonu, kwota równa 50% stanówki przechodzi do wykorzystania na nasienie jakiegokolwiek ogiera z tej samej stadniny w kolejnym roku. Jeśli pierwsza inseminacja będzie miała miejsce 1-szego lipca lub później i klacz nie zajdzie w ciążę, to kwota przechodząca na kolejny rok wynosi 100% opłaconej stanówki. W takich wypadkach potrzebne będzie Świadectwo Badania w Kierunku Ciąży podpisane przez lekarza weterynarii, wykonane nie później niż 30-stego Września.

Każda przesyłka chłodzonego nasienia wiąże się z opłatą, która pokrywa koszty kuriera i certyfikatu weterynaryjnego.

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About -Racking up the wins with victory in the two Bundeschampionat qualifications of the five-year-olds with 9.2 and 9.5, victory in the prestigious 14th Championship on the Dobrock with 9.0 and victory in the Bundeschampionats-Quali in Diepholz with 9.0. In the 2021 season alone, there were another nine victories in jumping horse competitions under his instructor Patrick Stühlmeyer.  Meganus PS impresses with its limitless jumping talent and a sensational and rare blood line. In 2022, Meganus PS stands for the first time.

Sire - The father Messenger is himself the only licensed son of the individual and team bronze winner at the Olympic Games 2004 in Athens/GRE, World Cup sixth in 2004 in Milano/ITA and double European Champion 2005 in San Patrignano/ITA, Montender/Marco Kutscher. He already received a 10 for his jumping disposition at his HLP. With Florian Meyer zu Hartum, Messenger advanced to Warendorf vice-champion of the seven-year-old show jumping horses in 2014, after he had already placed himself in the finals of the Bundeschampionate. In addition, he recorded his first international successes. In 2015 and 2016 he won the CSI3* Championship of Redefin with different riders. With Philip Rüping, he finished second in the Wiesbaden Grand Prix in 2017 and placed ahead in Calgary/CAN, Arezzo/ITA and redefin again. Messenger is based in the USA. His oldest offspring are already successful in 1.50 classes, such as Dessenger/Philipe Rozier/FRA, Marilyn/Daniel Bluman/ISR, Miss Aragona PS/William Whitaker/GBR and Mahony/Philipp Schulze Topphoff.

Damline - From the mother Whizz Kid also come the 1.60 meter jumping horses Chataga/Alejandro Mills/MEX, H5 Chaganus/Eduardo Pereira de Menezes/BRA and Casquo Blue/Douglas Lindelöw/SWE (2021 4th Pl. Team European Championships in Riesenbeck), as well as the other international jumping horses Chaccocartes (1.45 meter jumping), Chacco's Whizz Kid (all v. Chacco-Blue; 1.40 meter jumping) and Messi's Whizz Kid PS (v. Messenger; 1.25 meter jumping).

Carthago in the second generation took part with Jos Lansink/BEL in the Olympic Games of Atlanta/USA and Sydney/AUS. He also won the Nations Cups of Aachen, Rotterdam/NED and La Baule/FRA and is also considered one of the most influential sons of Capitol I.

Grandmother Gastona brought the licensed Chacgrano (v. Chacco-Blue; 1.60 meter jumping)/Patrick Stühlmeyer as well as the 1.60 meter jumpers Calasko Z (v. Calvaro Z)/Manuel Sanderos/MEX and Colasko (v. Colman)/Nicolas Pizarro/MEX. Also internationally successful: Balouboy (v. Baloubet du Rouet; 1.40 m jumping), Polasko (v. Polytraum; 1.50 m jumping), Casanova (v. Carthago; 1.45 m jumping), Calvogran (v. Calvaro Z; 1.45 m jumping) and Caltona (v. Calvaro Z; 1.45 m jumping). In third and fourth place in the pedigree you'll see Grannus and Wohlgemuth who are further performance guarantors. Great-grandmother Walaska brought Gaston M (v. Grannus)/Hansueli Sprunger/SUI and the S-dressage horses Traston (v. Traumdeuter) and Chateau Paradise (v. Continue). From the mother line also come the stallions Sir Nymphenburg I and II (v. Sir Donnerhall I) as well as Felice (v. Diamond Hit).

More Details

Chilled/Frozen Chilled
Stud Deckstation Schockemohle
Approved For Westfalen
WFFS Status Clear
Studbook OS-International
Year of Birth 2016
Colour Bay
Height 171
% Thoroughbred 34.57
